Frugal Company
Innovate Sustainably, Lead Ethically, Connect Globally
Reframe constraint into opportunities for innovation
Frugal Company has created and curated exclusive tools, experts and ecosystem partners to help organizations transmute constraints into creative possibilities for a sustainable transformation.
Frugal Company is Abhinav Agarwal’s transformation playground to experiment and practice resourceful innovation for eco-sufficiency eco-systemic change.
Abhinav works with public and private sector as well as startups empowering them to embrace change and foster innovation by leveraging constraints. He wears multiple hats of an entrepreneur, trainer, coach, change management consultant, author, speaker, advisor and product owner.
Abhinav helps organizations access abundance through innovation training and strategic consulting as well as facilitating winning partnerships with ecosystem players.
His unique approach to sustainable leadership is inspired from the Indian philosophy, grassroot practices to create a group alchemy for authentic conversations and foster systemic change.
Adaptive navigation with Frugal Management
1Identify your problems and constraints
2Transmute your problems into an inspiring objective aligned with values
3Map capabilities and onboard allies to access abundance
4Brainstorm solutions
5Put in place systems
6Make an impact
Download the Frugal management Canvas
The Frugal Management Canvas is a strategic framework to provide a one-page, constraint-based strategy document for solving operational and strategic problems by leveraging available resources and finding creative and efficient solutions using effectual thinking, polarity mapping and OKR.
This is an effectual approach that I use for change management and building innovation capabilities for intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs.
What can we do together ?
Key notes, seminars, workshops and ecosystem building
- Key notes
Key notes to inspire creativity, frugal innovation and entrepreneurship for innovating under constraints in uncertain times with agility for a better world. I can speak in French and English on a variety of subjects from frugal innovation applied to Industry 5.0, changement management, Geopolitics of energy between france and India, foresight and other topics...Check out the media section on the different subjects on which I have spoken but not limited to.
- Workshops on frugal management / Frugal innovation
- Changing your perspective on constraints and complexity
- Using reframing tools used by innovators to change the perceived problem
- Understanding transformation cycles to understand change
- Adopting entrepreneurial decision making under Knightian uncertainty, Marchian goal ambiguity, and Weickian sensemaking
- Understanding the value of intangible assets
- Understand the strength of personal and shared values for navigating under uncertainty
- Putting it all together: Doing more with what you have and who you are for more impact
Why do organizations fail implementing innovation initiatives
- Too difficult to read organizational complexity
- Biases, habits, urgency and constraints can create tunnel vision
- Scalability of change initiatives due to cultural debt fail to embark a collective effort
- Difficulty in reframing problems when you part of the problem if you don't have the right tools and mindset
- Difficulty in correctly formulating problems instead of looking for solutions
- No time to step back for introspection or to take a birds eye view
- Difficult to identify hidden or dormant resources due to functional fixedness
- Low awareness of the value of intangibles assets
- Lack of courage and bold moves
Book an appointment
Get in touch and we can discuss
Check out my book in French (English version will be out soon)
5 years of transdiciplinary research in the form of a philosophical essay exploring the notion of transformation of matter, of individuals and a society !
Comment transformer une baguette rassie en baguette magique ?
Latest online resources
Collaborative notes taken by 30 add people during the frugal innovation day
Pubications, videos and podcast
Le management frugal pour les territoires
Capsule video pour la semaine de l'innovation publique avec le CNFPT
A podcast in french on frugal innovation
Podcast sur Innovecteursur les principes de l'innovation frugale et +
Coverage on DW International German Channel on Jugaad
Jugaad - - the Indian concept inspiring France
Les grandes entreprises touchées par « l’innovation frugale »
Gazette de la Défense covering the Frugal Innovation Day
Innover pour réconcilier économie et écologie
A roundtable organized by Expertise France on Frugal Innovation with other experts
Le « jugaad » : comment innover avec des ressources limitées
An article in French News Paper les Echos
Utopias of sharing life, caring community in Paris
An article in DNAINDIA by Prof. Gupta and his visit to Paris
My constellation of partners
Get access to my network by working with me.
Grassroot network
Spreading word about grassroot innovations pioneere by Prof. Anil Gupta
Get in touch
Get in touch for your consulting needs or if you want to organise workshops, executive coaching or have any ideas for co-innovation !
Frugal Company © 2024